
beginner concepts

Platform Basics

How to install and navigate the trading software

The Viewport & Viewport Tabs

The Viewport

The information that appears in the content area is controlled by the tabs on the upper left side of the container (outlined in white in the screenshot). This is where you will do most of your work. I will walk you through the tabs I refer to most on this site so you can more easily follow along.
Figure 4

The Positions Tab

The Posiitons tab shows you all of your open trades and investments. It shows each of your positions’ metrics,
important dates... basically everything you need to manage your portfolio risk.
Figure 5

The Trade Tab

The Trade tab is where you’ll find the
your trade order form, and various tools to help you trade more efficiently and analyze the risk of your position.
Figure 6Figure 7

The Activity Tab

The Activity tab shows you your your transactions. You can filter for specific
date ranges, and transaction types. It comes in handy when you need to recall how your positions have changed and developed over the long term
Figure 10

The Watchlist Tab

A watchlist is kind of like a playlist, or a list of favorites. Traders use watchlists to track the movements of different securities which helps them keep tabs on general market or sector health, or to catch opportunities to trade. The watchlist tab allows you to peruse your custom watchlists, and premade defaults provided by Tastyworks. I will walk you through the process of making your own watchlists in a future article.
Figure 11

The Tastytrade Tab

You can listen in live or explore Tastytrade’s archived content directly through the platform using the Tastytrade tab. A major part of learning this business is learning to speak and understand the lingo. In my personal experience, listening to Tastytrade was easily the most helpful way to accomplish that goal. My trading knowledge grew rapidly just from listening to them in the background. As a beginner I had no clue what they were saying but eventually things started to click. Listen to Tastytrade and you'll be driving your friends nuts with trader talk in no time.
Figure 12

The Chart Tab

Open this tab to view various charts for any underlying. Tastyworks offers a number of controls to adjust the scale and scope of the chart, compare the price movements of different products, as well as drawing tools if you like to do
Figure 13

The History Tab

The History tab allows you to see your
and fees, and your realized and unrealized P/L. It is very similar to the Activity tab except it’s formatted in a way that makes it easier to track longer term activity and gives you a bit more detail about your transactions.
Figure 14

The Follow Tab

The Follow tab allows you to see what the traders over at Tastytrade are trading. It can be very helpful for the learning process because you can see how experienced traders make their decisions and their thoughts behind the various strategies they use. I find it helpful for discovering new products to trade when I’m low on ideas.
Figure 15

The Help Tab

If you ever need a direct help line with the platform, the Help tab may come in handy.
Figure 16


beginner concepts