

Root Strategies

Foundational single-leg strategies and risk profiles
  1. What Are Root Strategies?

    Modulating option strategies for better, faster comprehension

  2. Risk, Reward, & Probability of Profit

    General guidelines regarding risk, reward, and probability of profit

  3. How To Read A Risk Profile

    Translating the different components of a risk chart

  4. Components of a Summary Table

    Summarizing strategies for quick reference

  5. Long Shares

    Analyzing the risk of long shares

  6. Short Shares

    Analyzing the risk profile of a short share position

  7. Long Call

    Analyzing the risk profile of a long call strategy

  8. Short Naked Call

    Analyzing the risk profile of a short naked call

  9. Long Put

    Analyzing the risk profile of a long put strategy

  10. Short Naked Put

    Analyzing the risk profile of a short naked put

