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August 2019 Updates!

Going over this months updates

What's New From August?

New Trades

This has been a busy month. Market volatility has picked up quite a bit, meaning trades, trades, trades! Checkout my Trade Journal to see how I've been managing my risk through the latest chaos. I've been making several trades per week taking profits, adjusting trouble makers, and establishing new positions altogether. It's been a fun month!

New Article

As far as articles go, I've only had time to write one new one this month. It is about a powerful, and commonly used strategy referred to as the "Covered Call." You can read about it here. I've also been going back and editing older articles to make them flow a little more nicely. I'll continue to do so for most updates, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to go back and review every now and then. You may find new and more detailed information, or relearn something you've since forgotten.

Follow Me On Twitter

My last big update this month has been my new twitter account. My handle is @foodfortheta. I've never had a twitter before, so I'm still figuring some stuff out, but it's currently live and available for you to follow! I've been able to post more frequently on twitter about day-to-day market activity, so it's a good way to stay up to date with new developments. I also post things related to entrepreneurship, quotes I like, and various projects I'm apart of as well. You can access my feed from the homepage by clicking the dark gray twitter bar labeled "@foodfortheta" at the top of the Bulletin Board. I will probably add links in other convenient places around the site in the near future.
Thank you to everyone who has been following along! I'm working hard to make this resource better and more comprehensive every day. There's a lot of good stuff bouncing around in my head... I'll get it all down in pixels in due time! Until then, happy trading, and don't forget to checkout Tastytrade for a ton of additional trading information and extended learning.



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