October has turned out to be a true test of patience. started off great, but has since plummeted which means have gotten extremely cheap. The low levels make it difficult to find worthwhile trades. There simply hasn't been enough reward to warrant the risks. As a result, I don't really have any interesting positions at the moment. The good news is that the collapse has allowed me to beat the odds and take profits in 100% of my trades since the last volatility spike! You can find detailed records of all my completed trades in the Closed Positions section of my trade journal.
New Article
This month I wrote a very detailed article about This strategy, while not the most compelling on its own, is foundational to several other strategies we will cover in the future. The information is a bit heavy, but you can always refer back to anything that doesn't stick right away. The most important thing to understand when studying any strategy is your directional bias (if any), your maximum risk, your maximum reward, and your probability of profit. All of the other details can help you sharpen your edge, but aren't necessarily vital to placing a worthwhile trade.
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Keep up with my updates by following me on twitter! You can access it by clicking the twitter bar at top of the Bulletin Board on the homepage. I love new followers so please don't be shy! You can also find a lot of my posts under the hashtag #DIYInvestor. I'd love to see any of you who manages your own money participate under that tag!
Wrapping Up October
What a month October has been. I locked in a ton of profits, but got stranded in a suuuper slow market. It may be torture, but it never lasts forever. Soon enough we'll be back in full swing! As always, thanks for following along with me. I've got a ton of awesome content in the works, and can't wait to share it with you. On to November, nerds!