With the market down yet another 2%+ I needed to find ways reduce my and my XHB position has been taking it on the chin these past couple days. I’ve pulled about 60% of the value out of this so I’m two strikes to the 32 call, leaving me with a $4.00-wide This is a really crappy play for this position in particular, but necessary for my overall portfolio. I’ve collected a total of $3.76 in credit which means I’m locking in loss. At best, I can lose $0.24 as the position stands. But If the price stays above $32, and below $36, I can make over $100 back. If my deltas get back to zero, I may consider uninverting or closing altogether and selling a so I can continue to make money back as it I also plan to as soon as the Feb become available. The credit may put me back in a position where I can actually turn a profit or at least the position.